HAL - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
HAL stands for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Here you will find, what does HAL stand for in Misc.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hindustan Aeronautics Limited? Hindustan Aeronautics Limited can be abbreviated as HAL What does HAL stand for? HAL stands for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. What does Hindustan Aeronautics Limited mean?Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is an expansion of HAL
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Alternative definitions of HAL
- Holland America Line
- Holland America Line
- Hardware Abstraction Layer
- Hardware Abstraction Layer
- Hackers At Large
- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
- Halliburton Company
View 155 other definitions of HAL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HAFD Hart Area Fire Department
- HAFE Hallmark Financial Services, Inc.
- HAFEZ Hostile Aircraft Free Engagement Zone
- HAFF Holland Animation Film Festival
- HAFFA Hongkong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics
- HAFH Home Away From Home
- HAFHCC Home Away From Home Child Care
- HAFHDB Home Away From Home Dog Boarding
- HAFI Horizon Air Freight Inc
- HAFIZ Ḥafiz
- HAFMDS Headquarters Air Force Manpower Data System
- HAFN Fincha airport
- HAFNGO He's Able Foundation NGO.
- HAFS Henry A. Fox Sales
- HAFSA Ḥafsa
- HAFT Hebrew Academy of Five Towns
- HAFTA Have To
- HAFTPFLICHT Haftpflichtversicherung
- HAFW Hub of Africa Fashion Week